Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bigger Fish to Fry

Since my last blog entry I raced the last Canadian World Cup at Bromont, it was 'interesting' conditions, ended pouring with rain part way into the race which turned the course into another mud battle, seems to be a common theme with these Canadian races! Anyhow, my result was an improvement on my forst world cup race, coming in at 34th, so was happy with the race, nothing went wrong, just got to keep working on getting quicker!!

From Bromont I started the trek home to Australia which again was 'interesting' I had connecting flights from Quebec to Vancouver which is where my international flight departed for Sydney. Getting to Vancouver was quite a mission! My connecting flight to Toronto was set back because they were observing 'tornado'watch and had ceased all operations for 3 hours. So our plane landed and we waited the 3 hours to get to a gate and then disembark. I made it to the gate for my connecting flight to Vancouver only to find out that they had already filled the flight with people who had been bumped off other flights that were behind. As a result I arrived in Vancouver at 2am and had well and truly missed the international flight to Sydney, the next flight would run at midnight the following evening!

I did have a stroke of good luck, I got chatting to an elderly couple, Hugh and Wilma, who very kindly offered me a bed for the night/day and to drop me back at the airport that evening to get my flight home!

Hugh and Wilma were wonderful, they took me home gave me a bed, breakfast, took me on a tour of Vancover and also took me out for dinner! It was a huge random act of kindness!

To finish this last Canadian episode off, whicle I was waiting for my connection to Sydney got a call from Neil Ross the National Coach to say that I had made selection for the National Team, and that I would be racing the World Championships in Canberra in less than a months time! It was great getting this news to travel home with, kind of made going back to winter, no daylight and a week of work more bearable!

So the goal for my Canadian trip had been fulfilled, I had made selection and I would now get the opportunity to don the green and gold and repesent my country in a sport that I love.

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